About Us

Robotics Club Nitte, the official Robotics and multidisciplinary club of NMAMIT.

Club works on designing, building and creating various mechanical and electronic bots. Conducts workshop on Bot building, Internet Of Things, 3D modelling and Programming languages. Works on building multidisciplinary projects.


Bot building workshop

Works on building different bots like Obstacle detectin bot, Line follower bot, etc by using sensors like PIR, Ultrasonic sensors and Microcontrollers like Arduino and Raspberrypi.

Internet Of Things

Hands on working with Arduino, NodeMCU, Sensors and other electronic components to build Home automation system, wireless controller etc.

3D Modelling

Workshop covers the basics of views, 3D planes to make beginners understand the fundamentals of modelling. It covers 2D sketches, Extrude, Revolve, Sweep and other 3D modelling concepts.

Machine Learning

Hands On project workshop starting from python, its libraries to start working on Machine Learning algorithms.

PCB Design

Workshop covers Printed Circuit Board Design processes and principles.

Combat Robotics division

Involves in building various combat bots like Race bots, Soccer bots, War bots etc.Team focuses on design, testing, fabricating and control of bots.

Drone division

Involves in design, fabrication and controlling of RC controlled drones.

Our Achievements


Team WhiteShoadow secured the 2nd runners-up position in the prestigious 'Technoxian World Cup 2023, competing in the Under 15kg Robowars category.

NIE mysore

Team WhiteShadow participated in International Robowars held at Tech Fest, IIT Bombay in 2022.

Know all our achievements

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